Monday, January 3, 2011

Batteries Not Included

I tried weighing myself on my Wii today, and it turns out, the batteries were dead. As were the batteries in my real scale. So I'll need to buy some before posting an update. I'm guessing by the end of today.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I'm back!

It's been a long time since I last posted here. Admittedly, I had to do a fair amount of searching to even find the blogs address. A lot has gone on, and I know my weight and health aren't doing too well. I started my own business, AlisalTech, and it's going well. Profits are up and down, some months bringing in a lot, others not so much. It's enough to get me by, and enough to make me want to continue and help the business grow.

With the new year, I am planning a lot of major changes in my life. Some of these changes include:
  • Getting married.
  • Losing weight.
  • Writing more.
  • Blogging more.
  • Expanding my business, (in both size and profitability.)
  • Getting healthy.
  • Gaining muscle.
  • And more...
These are in no particular order, and I'm starting with pretty much everything at once. Later on today, I'll do my first weigh-in in a long time to see what the damage is, and work from there. Eating better, dusting off the old Wii Fit and EA Active, daily push-ups and sit-ups; these are all in my agenda in terms of health and weight loss.

First Major Problem

I do a variety of things within my business, from standard computer clean-ups and repairs, to working out tech needs for school districts, and even web-mastering (though you wouldn't know it from this blog.) One of my biggest projects however, is writing IT-related articles for TrainSignal, Inc. I absolutely love writing, and more-so, I love writing about technology. The problem is, it's hard for me to concentrate on writing at home. There are far too many distractions (people, chores, entertainment, etc.) for me to write efficiently. My solution has been to write at night, usually at Denny's where I can zone everyone out.

This is where my problem begins. My schedule (body clock) has been horrible. Some days I'll be up all day, other days I'll be asleep all day, and others I'll be up for two days at a time. This is really bad for my body, and eventually, I'd like to set up a "real" schedule, be it day or night-shift that I can try to stick to. Otherwise, my body is going to have a hell of a time burning off fat and gaining muscle efficiently.

A Possible Solution

I'd like to try some sort of mid-scheduling, perhaps waking up at around 9pm, eating "breakfast," working out early, taking a shower, and around 2am (after the Denny's night-crowd leaves,) heading out to write for TrainSignal, my personal sites, client sites, and here. After my writing (lets say around 6-7am,) I would have about 5-7 hours allotted to both hang out with the family, and take care of any tech clients. Finally, I would go back to sleep around noon or 1pm, giving me a good 8 hours of sleep before I start all over.

This would be a temporary, but working solution. Eventually, we'll be clearing out our back room so I can turn it into an office for my writing and web-work. Once that's done, (which will likely take months due to its current state,) I can return to a normal 8am - midnight schedule, allowing me to spend more time with the family while still being able to write in a more comfortable, quiet, and peaceful setting.

Thanks for Reading!

That's all for now! Ill be back later in the day for my weight in and possibly more commentary. Thanks for checking in!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Oh, Hi...

Alright, so I haven't been around in a while. I haven't been doing too badly, but I haven't been doing great (weight wise) either. I resigned from my job, started working at a gas station, and then resigned from that job after being offered a position as a LAN and Hardware Support Tech for a school district in Seaside. All the movement really killed my body clock. I worked 8-5 at first, then worked random hours including 10-6am graveyard shifts and 2-10pm day shifts, and now will have to go back to 8-5 shifts not including the drive to and from Seaside. All in all, there wasn't much room for scheduling in exercise, and the crazy hours lent my wallet to various fast food places for a quick meal more often than not.

So let's check the damage, looking at my blog, it looks like my last posting had me at 321lbs. Luckily, I'm doing quite well for myself after all the setbacks, weighing in at 316lbs. I have been hitting the gym a bit, which is helping me bring in some more muscle to burn off more fat. I'm not where I want to be, but I'm working on it more now. Working a steady schedule should help me keep to my workouts, and a new way of eating should keep me losing.

I'll be keeping up my cardio at Elite Fitness, especially now that my buddy Saul (@AlmostCool on Twitter) helped me out by recommending some great new insoles for my shoes that should help me feel better on the treadmill and bikes. My bro Stephan (@BigSteph_831 on Twitter) is also going to get me a trial at the YMCA to try out their equipment. I also picked up some new weight lifting and boxing gloves so I can make more use of my punching bag at home, which is great cardio if you've ever used one. (If not, try it! It's super fun!)

I've also invested in buying more healthy foods. Fruits, vegetables, salads, low calorie dressings, protein and flaxseeds, etc. I've even learned a great new morning meal shake idea from Saul (@AlmostCool on Twitter) that tastes awesome, fills me up, and lets me make use of the Protein and Flaxseeds along with some great tasting fruits. This should come in handy when I start working in Seaside sometime next week. :)

Until next time!

Monday, June 1, 2009

May 31st - Workout 1

So last nights workout was a hell of a first day. I call it my first day because I plan to start on the EA Active Personal Trainer's "30 Day Challenge." It is a challenge based on doing about 20 exercises per day, alternating between rest days and workout days, and changing up the types of workouts on a regular basis. Some days might work on cardio with a lot of running and boxing, others might involve things like lunges and squat jumps.

I started off the workout late at night, probably around midnight, something I shouldn't do, but I'm a night owl, so you'll likely see late starts like this a lot. To warm up, I started up the Wii Fit and my fiancee, Maria, joined me for some balance board fun. We like to do Wii Fit together because we can challenge each other and compare scores. We tried and unlocked many exercises. We usually stick to Yoga, but today we did more fat burning workouts. We tried the Hula Hoop game quite a few times, the tight rope walk, some step aerobics (basic step,) and moved on to some Yoga as well with the newly unlocked "Sun Salutation" pose. It was definitely a nice warmup and dished out some good stretching with the newly discovered Yoga pose.

Next up, I moved on to EA Active. Usually I do EA Active without the Balance Board, but I thought I'd try it this time with the board to see what kind of changes would come of it. Most of the workouts were as expected, lots of cardio, lots of sweating. I set the default training plan on Day 1 of the 30 day challenge. Started with a short walk, then a 2 minute run. I haven't ran in a while, and this one (embarrassingly) kind of got to me. The 2 minute run felt much longer, but I was happy to complete it in full. I took a short break and turned on the fan, knowing I had a ways to go. Next up, I did some squats, then some punching bag and heavy bag training. THis is one part where the Balance Board came into play. It was interesting to switch to the heavy bag and do side kicks and knees to the bag, then alternating to the punch targets. I really liked the fact that target punching makes you punch hard and precise, and heavy bag punches makes you throw a flurry of hard hits really fast. It's nice to alternate the intensity and made me feel good at the end of the workout when the heavy bag broke off of its hinges. It almost made me do a victory dance, Rocky style. haha. After a bunch of other general workouts and another short run, it was about 2:15am or so, and I figured it was getting a bit late and I had to call it quits. I was about 60% through the days workouts, but I felt that it was enough of a workout to start me off. It did get me quite a few in-game trophies after all. I have not been working out much, so I really didn't want to over-do it, though if it was earlier in the day, I think I would have.

Before I went to bed, I went to my barbells/dumbbells and got ready for a quick pre-bed workout. I really want to gain more muscle in my arms, so I always try to push out a bit of weight lifting into my workout. I also try to get my sit-ups done, since my belly is the main focus point right now. Since I had already been working out pretty hard, I did about 35lbs of weight on each arm, 2 sets of about 20 reps each. Not as much as I usually do, but again, I had just finished up a pretty hardy workout. I also got in about 20-30 sit-ups before going to sleep, not as much as usual (I hit my goal of being able to do far over 50 sit-ups at once a few days ago, yay me) but it was enough to make my stomach burn a little after those Wii Fit exercises.

That was it. I was done. And today, I feel the burn. I worked a little bit too hard yesterday, as this morning, I felt almost hung over. Unfortunately, I also ended up throwing up this morning. I don't like throwing up. It sucks. Really bad. Perhaps today I won't work as hard, but you know what they say, no pain, no gain. I'm taking today's reaction as good news however, that I managed to push myself above and beyond where I had hoped to, and I proved to myself if I put my mind to it, I can push myself to do a really good workout. I need to find my sweet spot to where I really feel the burn, but don't end up praying to the porcelain gods the next day. Wish me luck!

Starting Weight

Ok, so as a point of reference. I started Weight Watchers after losing minimal amount of weight on personal diets, and then gaining it all back.

I weighed 332lbs when I decided I needed to join Weight Watchers and do better for myself. Upon joining, I weighed 329lbs. And after a month (two weeks doing good, and 2 weeks where I got sick and let myself go and stopped exercising,) I now weight 321lbs. I lost 3lbs on Week One, 4lbs on Week 2, and only lost 1lb over Weeks Three and Four due to lack of exercise and overeating.

This is a total of 9lbs lost with Weight Watchers, and 11lbs total lost since my start up.

So begins my weight loss blog.

Welcome to my Blog

Hello and welcome to my Active Blog. I'll use this blog to outline my weight loss over time. I am on a really good course to lose weight, and I'm not stopping any time soon. I have both good, and bad habits. I love food, and I smoke. Not exactly the best combination, right?

Anyway, I have, and am in the process of changing at least one of those. I am eating a lot better. Mostly thanks to Weight Watchers. I was inspired to join by a buddy of mine, who lost over 30 pounds on Weight Watchers, eating right and staying active. He weights as much as I did when he started, and it really motivated me to get going. If he could lose the weight at the same starting weight as I was at, then so could I.

I will be on a weight loss fast-track by using the following methods:
  • Weight Watchers Eating Plan
  • Wii Sports and Wii Fit
  • EA Active Personal Trainer
  • Personal Workouts to gain muscle and burn calories (Weight Lifting, Situps, Push-ups, etc.)
  • Staying active and going out more often.